Books by Barbara C. Unell & Jerry Wyckoff, PHD


Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking

Nearly a million copies sold -- the number-one non-violent discipline book in North America offers effective, practical solutions for the most common behavior problems of children one to five years of age, including temper tantrums, whining, sibling rivalry, biting, resisting bedtime, playing with food, and dozens more.


How to Discipline Your Six to Twelve Year Old... Without Losing Your Mind

Discipline Without Shouting Or Spanking became a best-seller by providing practical, effective solutions for common behavior problems of children under six. Here the authors provide developmentally appropriate advice for older youngsters.

  Getting Your Child From No to Yes Without Nagging, Bribing or Threatening

Parents are constantly frustrated when their children don't do what they ask them to do-including getting dressed, brushing their teeth and getting in the car-over 60 times a day! This easy-to-use book solves this classic parent-child battle by teaching parents the secrets to getting their children to cooperate in caring positive ways.

  20 Teachable Virtues

Here's help for your most important job as a parent -- teaching your children lessons of virtue including respect, responsibility and empathy. Realistic suggestions help parents seize "teachable moments" when these lessons can be imparted effectively.

  8 Season of Parenthood

Explore the very predictable cycles of parenthood, discovering how each waxing and waning season shapes individuals and families. Beginning with pregnancy (a time when moms-to-be are the "celebrities" and their husbands are the "roadies"), familiar examples are used to describe the physical and psychological changes adults encounter throughout parenthood.

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